
Monster Heart is my debut as a theatrical composer, and I am so grateful to Combustible Company and director Kym Longhi for supporting my growth as a musician and composer.

“Monster Heart” is the title track, originally written in one rainy afternoon in a boathouse during the 2019 workshop of Combustible Company’s Monster Heart. It speaks to longing, cycles, loneliness, and the hope for redemption and love at long last.
This soundscape lives in the liminal space of isolation and emptiness that accompanies loss. Frozen, yet pulsating, constant, but suspended, it lives in its own world, while still weaving in melodic motives from other songs in the show.
Simple but spirited – the giddy joy of falling head over heels in new love, and the battle the ensues between the rational of the head, and the desires of the heart. Features Hannah Howland (viola), Luke Pickman (cello), and Joni Griffith (violin).
Beautiful, but as chilling and sharp as ice. Composed to accompany poetry by Percy Shelley “Kiss me;—oh! thy lips are cold: Round my neck thine arms enfold—
They are soft, but chill and dead; And thy tears upon my head burn like points of frozen lead.”

Birth, death, growth, and grief all interwoven in the constant soundscape of life and the passage of time. Underscoring the scene in which three women continually move through the process of bringing life into the world, and having that life taken from them.